svelte-demo Svelte Themes

Svelte Demo

Demo for frontend development workshop

Frontend with Svelte & Tailwind

Even the most brilliant software can seem lacking without a good user experience. Join us to learn frontend development using cutting edge open-source libraries: Svelte & Tailwind.

How to set up this repo

  1. Make sure you have node 16.10+ (node -v in terminal). Use the official nodejs website to get update/install it.
  2. Clone this repo (git clone
  3. Go into the directory (cd svelte-demo)
  4. Install dependencies (npm install)
  5. Run the app (npm run dev )


node -v
git clone && cd svelte-demo
npm install
npm run dev

What is Svelte?

Svelte is a brilliant frontend framework that uses clever mechanisms like dom diffing to update the state of your app

This means you can make reactive and performant user interfaces without needing to reload or navigate your users to new pages.

What is Tailwind?

CSS is how you style your websites, but it can be challenging to learn and use.

Tailwind is a CSS utility framework that provides commonly used CSS snippets with well named "classes".

This means you can style your website outside of the .css files, and not worry about switching between different files or remembering style rules.

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