svelte-expansion-item Svelte Themes

Svelte Expansion Item

A simple Expand/Collapse component for Svelte


A simple Expand/Collapse component for Svelte.


$ npm i svelte-expansion-item


$ yarn add svelte-expansion-item


There are two exports: alertify and Alertify In your root component (e.g. App.svelte) file, import Alertify. Then add it as markup, anywhere in the markup section.

import { Alertify } from 'svelte-alertify'
<Alertify />

In any file you want to use it, simply import alertify and call it.

import { alertify } from 'svelte-alertify'
alertify('Hello world') // basic usage
alertify({ title: 'Error', message: 'An error occured while processing your request.' }) 
<Alertify />


You can pass in a string to be rendered with the default setup. Or you can pass in an object with the following keys:

Parameter Description
title The title of the alert box. Default = Alert.
message The alert body (required).
type The type of dialogue. Default=Neutral. (neutral,positive,negative)


import { alertify } from 'svelte-alertify';

alertify('Testing time');
alertify({ title: 'Test Mode', message: 'We are just testing this component', type: 'positive' })

    screen.width < 992 ? 
    'Congratulations! You are on a mobile device' :
    'Sorry, images on a larger screen might be clearer than they appear'
// Note: alertify brings up a modal. So don't call more than one at a time.


MIT Licensed

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