Awesome SvelteKit
SvelteKit is awesome. It's "the missing CLI" and the svelte team's favoured project structure, to build full-stack server rendered and static sites, with
- File/Folder based routing
- focus on server-less with adapters
- API routes
and good baked-in conventions and constructs to support common web app needs. It's a successor to Sapper which served the aforementioned needs, with exception of adapters, which is special/unique(with no officially provided parallels in Next.js/Nuxt ecosystems yet) way to make vendor-agnostic, server-less first deployment concern a seamlessly integrated part of the framework.
✍️ Blogs
History & The Why's?
The How To's?
📹 Videos/Screencasts/Twitch
🗣️ Podcasts
🏃 SvelteKit Starter Kits and Integrations
List of tools that simplify SvelteKit DX further
- Svemix Like addition) to SvelteKit. Write your server code inside svelte files, handle sessions, forms and SEO easily.
- Svelte Zero API
- SvelteKit Zero API
- KitDocs - KitDocs makes it easy to build a documentation site with SvelteKit. You can think of it as a VitePress alternative for the people of Svelte.
- Sveltin - The Smartest Way to Build SvelteKit powered static websites: a powerful CLI for your next SvelteKit static website
📦 Built With Svelte
Open-Source Projects