This is a template repository for creating plugins for Eagle using Svelte and Vite. It provides a solid foundation for building powerful and efficient Eagle plugins with modern web technologies.
npm install
Start the development server:
npm run dev
This will:
Build your plugin for production:
npm run build
The built files will be in the build
Run tests using Vitest:
# Run tests
npm run test
# Run tests in watch mode
npm run test:watch
# Run tests with coverage
npm run test:coverage
# Run tests with UI
npm run test:ui
### Testing in Eagle
This template includes TypeScript support out of the box. To use TypeScript:
โโโ src/
โ โโโ components/ # Reusable UI components
โ โ โโโ Button.svelte
โ โ โโโ ...
โ โโโ lib/ # Utility functions and helpers
โ โโโ types/ # TypeScript type definitions
โ โโโ main.js # Entry point
โ โโโ App.svelte # Root component
โโโ tests/ # Test files
โโโ index.html # HTML template
โโโ global.css # Global CSS styles
โโโ logo.png # Plugin logo
โโโ docs/ # Documentation
โโโ .github/ # GitHub workflows
โโโ vite.config.ts # Vite configuration
โโโ tsconfig.json # TypeScript configuration
โโโ manifest.json # Eagle plugin manifest
โโโ package.json # Project configuration
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.