signum-dappository Svelte Themes

Signum Dappository

Decentral "Market Place" for Signum (d)Applications and Tools

Signum DAppository

Signum DAppository Logo

The Signum DAppository is a platform to register tools and applications for the Signum eco-system. On one hand, this platform serves as a kind of application store, but also as an exhibition center for developers.

Digital Asset using Signum Smart Contracts

Each registered entry is represented through a digital (cryptographic) asset/token using Signum Smart Contracts and is stored in the Signum blockchain. The registrar is the initial owner of that token. Therefore, the token is a so called Non-Fungible Token (NFT): the token can only be owned by one person at a time, but it's possible to transfer it to another person, e.g. by selling it.

Furthermore, the token can receive amounts from other Signum Accounts. The received amount will be redirected (subtracting an inherent contract execution fee) to the owner. The number of transactions (considered as donations) is counted, and the received amounts are summed up, and kept in the Smart Contract. This can be used as a success indicator.

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