svelte-tts-highlighter Svelte Themes

Svelte Tts Highlighter

Svelte TTS words and paragraphs highlight using the web speech synthesis API


A lightweight, modular Svelte component for text-to-speech with synchronized word and paragraph highlighting. Perfect for creating accessible content with visual feedback.


  • 🎯 Real-time word and paragraph highlighting
  • 📦 Modular architecture for flexible integration
  • ⚡ Efficient word searching with binary search
  • 🎛️ Configurable speech parameters
  • 💡 Simple and intuitive API
  • 📱 Responsive design


npm install svelte-tts-highlighter
# or
pnpm add svelte-tts-highlighter
# or
yarn add svelte-tts-highlighter


The library is structured in a modular way, allowing you to use it according to your needs:

Basic Usage

<script lang="ts">
  import { useSpeechHighlight } from 'svelte-tts-highlighter';

  const text = "Welcome to our demo. This is a test.";
  const { useHandler, speechStore } = useSpeechHighlight({
    speechRate: 1,
    speechPitch: 1,
    speechLang: 'en-US'

  const { paragraphsItems, toggleSpeech } = useHandler(text);

  $: ({ isPlaying, currentWordIndex, currentParagraphIndex } = $speechStore);

<button on:click={toggleSpeech}>
  {isPlaying ? 'Stop' : 'Start'} Speech

<div class="paragraphs">
  {#each paragraphsItems as { words, prevWordsOffset }, i}
    <p class:active={i === currentParagraphIndex}>
      {#each words as word, j}
        <span class:highlight={j + prevWordsOffset === currentWordIndex}>

Module Structure

The library consists of three main modules:

  1. speechStore.ts - Manages the speech state
import { speechStore } from "svelte-tts-highlighter";

// Access store values
$: ({ isPlaying, currentWordIndex, currentParagraphIndex } = $speechStore);
  1. utils.ts - Contains utility functions
import { type ParagraphItem, type SpeechState } from "svelte-tts-highlighter";
  1. useSpeechHighlight.ts - Main hook for speech functionality
import { useSpeechHighlight } from "svelte-tts-highlighter";

API Reference


const { useHandler, speechStore } = useSpeechHighlight({
  speechRate?: number;  // default: 1
  speechPitch?: number; // default: 1
  speechLang?: string; // default: 'en-US'


const { paragraphsItems, toggleSpeech } = useHandler(text: string);

Store Interface

interface SpeechState {
  isPlaying: boolean;
  currentWordIndex: number;
  currentParagraphIndex: number;

ParagraphItem Interface

interface ParagraphItem {
  words: string[];
  wordsOffset: number;
  prevWordsOffset: number;
  text: string;


Add your own CSS to style the highlighted words and paragraphs:

.highlight {
  background-color: #3d5413;
  color: white;

.active {
  background-color: rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.2);

span {
  margin-right: 0.3em;
  padding: 0.1em 0.2em;
  border-radius: 3px;
  transition: background-color 0.2s ease;

Browser Support

This component uses the Web Speech API. Check browser compatibility for support details.




Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.

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