svelte-vscode-extension-boilerplate Svelte Themes

Svelte Vscode Extension Boilerplate

Visual Studio Code extension boilerplate, using Svelte for the Webview UI


This is a boilerplate for building a Visual Studio Code extension. This extension has a Webview that hosts a Svelte application. It's based on the Wingman extension:


  1. In /webview: npm run dev. This is a Svelte project that outputs to /extension/dist.
  2. In /extension: npm run build:watch
  3. Run the extension using the debug panel.

The dev script in /webview runs both vite and vite build --watch. This is so that you can use either http://localhost:5173 (with HMR) or the VSCode extension host (no HMR) to build your UI.

Tips for packaging locally

The included /extension/ will:

  • Build the extension
  • Build the webview
  • Create the VSIX package
  • Uninstall the existing extension
  • Install the new VSIX package

Afterwards, run the Developer: Restart extension host command. I mapped this to cmd+r in keybindings.json like this:

    "key": "cmd+r",
    "command": "workbench.action.restartExtensionHost",


Run the release script in /extension to bump package.json, create a git tag and push changes to the remote origin. There's a Github workflow that, on tag, builds the extension and publishes to the Visual Studio Marketplace. You'll need to set the repo secret VS_MARKETPLACE_TOKEN to your PAT.

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