
[LatestReleases] The disappearing UI framework, now for Garry's Mod

This is the Svelte framework integrated with Garry's Mod by Facepunch Studios, if you're looking for Svelte's official repository or more information about the framework, check it here:


NOTE: As of this moment, the compiler only runs in the dev branch of Garry's Mod running on Chromium! Normal Garry's Mod will not work!

NOTE: While you can design your workflow around using svelte-gmod to compile your components, if you need anything more advanced check out the rest of the Svelte ecosystem!

How to use

Simply include the compiler.lua Lua file and call the API. Or alternatively, run file and use the svelte_export console command.


  • void compile(string source, function callback) - Submits the script 'source' to the Svelte compiler

local compiler = include("compiler.lua")                        -- Include the compiler
compiler.compile([[<h1>{{text}}</h1>]], function (compiled)     -- Compile a Svelte component

Console Command

  • svelte_export <source file> <export name> - Compiles source file to exported name in the DATA folder

    // Compiles 'data/mycomponent.txt' to 'data/mycomponent.export.txt'
    svelte_export data/mycomponent.txt mycomponent.export


NOTE: This section will only cover the Lua side of this framework. If you wish learn how to use Svelte, use Svelte's official Guide!

How to use

Simply include the svelte.lua Lua file and call the API detailed below. This guide assumes you're famailar with VGUI Panels.


  • Panel create(string component, table components?, Panel parent?, table Panel?) - Create a new VGUI Panel, using 'component' as the main panel, and 'components' as imported components. Using the keys for the components as the ids assigned to Svelte.
  • table extend(table Panel) Extends SveltePanel with 'Panel' for encapsulating logic.

    -- Include the Svelte framework
    local svelte = include("svelte.lua")

    -- Load the compiled components
    local component1 = file.Read(...)
    local component2 = file.Read(...)

    -- Create a new VGUI Panel with 'component1' as the main component
    local panel = svelte.create(component1, {
        ComponentTwo = component2               -- Expose 'component2' as 'ComponentTwo' to Svelte

    -- Extend 'SveltePanel' with custom hooks
    local MyPanel = svelte.extend({
        onCreate = function (self)          -- Lifecycle hook when component is created
            print("Component created!")

        onDestroy = function (self)
            print("Component destroyed!")   -- Lifecycle hook when component is about to be destroyed

        onThink = function (self)
            print("Component is thinking!") -- Logic hook called every frame

    -- Create a new VGUI Panel using your extension
    local panel = svelte.create(component1, {
        ComponentTwo = component2
    }, nil, MyPanel)


  • void dispatch(string name, table data?, function callback?) - Dispatches event 'name' to the main Svelte component
  • void get(string name, function callback) - Retrieves variable 'name' from the main Svelte component
  • function observe(string name) - Starts replication of variable 'name' allowing access via SveltePanel.vars[name]
  • function on(string name, function callback) - Calls function 'callback' whenever event 'name' is fired
  • void set(table data, function callback?) - Sets using keys in table 'data' as variable names, it sets their pair values on the main Svelte component

    -- Create a new panel
    local panel = svelte.create(...)

    -- Retrieve a variable from Svelte
    panel:get("a", function (value)
        print("panel.a", value)

    -- Tell Svelte to set variable 'a' to "test"
        a = "test"

    -- Observe all changes for variable 'a'
    local release = panel:observe("a")
    print(panel.vars.a)                 -- Prints "test"
    panel.vars.a = "finished"           -- Changes variable 'a' from "test" to "finished"
    release()                           -- Releases the variable observer

    -- Dispatch an event to Svelte
    panel:dispatch("myevent", {
        x = "hello"

    -- Listen for 'myevent' event from Svelte
    local release = panel:on("myevent", function (data)
        print("myevent.x", data.x)

    release() -- Releases the event listener

Compiling the framework

If you want to compile from source, simply call bin/build from a terminal. Although to start the process, you need these requirements:

  • luvit - luvit must be searchable in PATH
  • moonscript - moonc must be searchable in PATH
  • luamin - luamin must be searchable in PATH
  • minify - minify must be searchable in PATH



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