svelte-feather Svelte Themes

Svelte Feather

Feather Icons as Svelte Components


DEPRECATED: Check out Lucide Icons a community fork of Feather Icons, they now have a Svelte Package available.

Feather Icons as Svelte Components

Icon Viewer

Visit the Icon Viewer to find all the available Icon Components and import examples.


Latest Release

npm install github:novacbn/svelte-feather#0.1.0

Current master Branch

npm install github:novacbn/svelte-feather


This library can also be used standalone as WebComponents. Just head over to Releases to pick up a build and load via <script>:

<script type="application/javascript" src="/path/to/svelte-feather.webcomponents.min.js"></script>


Goto to the Icon Viewer and find the class name of the icon you want to use, then import it like so:

    import {Icons} from "svelte-feather/components";

<Icons.Github size="large" />

Alternatively, you can do "fine-grained" imports as-well if your environment supports it, for better Build Tools / IDE experience:

    import Github from "svelte-feather/components/Github";

<Github size="large" />

If using via the WebComponents build, just use all-lowercase identifiers, prefixing feather-*. Putting dashes infront of captials:

<feather-arrow-right-circle size="large" />


Name Type Default Enumeration
class string `` HTML class Attribute
style string `` HTML style Attribute
color string currentColor CSS Color Data Type
size string default ["default", "tiny", "small", "medium", "large", "huge"], CSS Length Data Type
width string 1em CSS Length Data Type
fill string none SVG fill Attribute
linecap string round SVG stroke-linecap Attribute
linejoin string round SVG stroke-linejoin Attribute


Building Package

To build svelte-feather from source, first use npm ci to install all the dependencies. Use the commands below to execute the build-pipline.

npm run build:icons

Runs through build:icons:generate -> build:icons:webcomponents pipeline.

npm run build:icons:generate

Imports the icon data from the feathericons/feather NPM package, and generates the following:

  • components/${class_name}.svelte — The Svelte Component of each SVG icon
  • components/${class_name}.js — Stub re-exporter file to improve DX around "fine-grained" imports
  • components/index.js — The import module that collects every Svelte Component and re-exports them
  • components/webcomponents.js — Similar to above, but without re-exporting to save file size space in WebComponents build
  • docs/src/icons.js — The documentation manifest, which imports all the Svelte Components from svelte-feather and associates them with metadata

npm run build:icons:webcomponents

Uses ESBuild to build and bundle all the Svelte Components together in a single file as WebComponents.

npm run prebuild:clean

Runs rimraf ./dist/;rimraf ./components to wipe current build of Icon Components and WebComponents bundle.

Building Icon Viewer

To build the "Icon Viewer" from source, cd to docs/. Then use npm ci to install all the dependencies. Use the commands below to execute the build-pipline.

npm run build:application

Runs SvelteKit to build the documentation Application out to the docs/build/ directory.

npm run serve:application

Similar to npm run build:application, runs SvelteKit to serve a live-reload enabled HTTP server on port 3000 for debugging the Icon Viewer.

npm run prebuild:clean

Runs rimraf ./build to wipe the current Icon Viewer build.

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