sveltify-template Svelte Themes

Sveltify Template

Spicetify + Svelte template, using sveltify-creator. To get started use the template, then clone it

Svelte + Spicetify Creator

Sveltify Creator is a tool to compile modern Typescript/Javascript code to Spicetify extensions and custom apps, now with Svelte too

Get started

To get started, use this template, and clone the repo using git clone <your repo>. Then, use npm install inside it to install all the dependencies.

To build your extension, use npm run build-local to build it locally, or npm run build to build it and put it inside your spiceticy folder. To see the extension, add the extension.js to your config-xpui.ini (spicetify -c), then use spicetify apply to apply the changes.


  • Typescript, React and Svelte syntax
  • Import node packages
  • CSS/SCSS with PostCSS support
  • Extremely fast compile time with esbuild.
  • Plugins


Check out Spicetify's docs!

Made with Spicetify Creator

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