Example SvelteKit for GitHub-Pages


  • Static files (markdown)
  • Routing
  • Automatic Github Deploy on Push
  • Libraries:
    • PostCSS
    • Marked for Markdown Support

Setup GitHub-Pages

This assumes your repositry is public. I have not tested this with the GitHub-Username page, only a repository page.

  1. commit and push to GH
  2. In your Repository go to Settings > Actions > General > Workflow permissions > and enable Read and Write Permissions, don't forget to hit Save
  3. Wait for the Build and Deploy action to finish, the first time it will fail.
    Change in the Repository Settings > Actions > Pages to Deploy from a Branch and choose the gh-pages Branch.
  4. Go to Actions and re-run the failed task.
  5. Wait a minute, your Site should be published at https://your-username.gihub.io/your-repository

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