PercentCalculator Svelte Themes


Percent Calculator is an interactive and user-friendly application built with Svelte.js that assists users in calculating percent difference and percent change between two values.

Percent Calculator

Percent Calculator is an interactive and user-friendly application built with Svelte.js that assists users in calculating percent difference and percent change between two values. It allows users to quickly and accurately perform these calculations without the need to manually crunch numbers, saving time and effort.


  • Efficient Calculation: The application provides quick and accurate percent difference and percent change calculations.

  • Customizable Decimal Places: The number of decimal places in the output can be configured according to the user's preference, ranging from 0 to 5.

  • Interactive Display of Formulas: For the benefit of those interested in how the calculations are done, the application displays the formulas used for the calculations. This feature can be toggled on or off based on the user's preference.

  • Neat and Intuitive User Interface: The interface is minimalistic, intuitive, and easy to navigate, providing an excellent user experience.

Built With

  • Svelte.js - A compiler-based front-end JavaScript framework that writes efficient, imperative code that directly manipulates the DOM.

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