
Super Fancy Encryption

An encode/decode app for user entered messages using Python3 back-end and Svelte front-end


  • This project was built to allow a Svelte-based Javascript web app to send and receive data from a small Python encoding project.
  • An express server is set up to receive user entered information from the Svelte app, and pass it onto a Javascript module.
  • This module then runs one of two Python scripts (depending on whether encoding or decoding a message), passing it the user's password and message as arguments.
  • The Python scripts uses the SFE project folder to print the result of the encoding/decoding.
  • The JS module intercepts this output and parses the result, picking out the required data and sending back to the express server (and then onto the Svelte app).

Install instructions

  1. Make sure you've got NodeJS installed
  2. Run npx degit nickstav/super-fancy-encrytpion your-folder
  3. cd your-folder
  4. npm i to install the required packages
  5. Run npm run project to run the app in dev mode

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