
Chat with others about topics you're interested in!
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About TopicTalk

TopicTalk is a full-stack chatroom application. Built with Svelte and Socket.io. This app served as both a learning experience for me as well as an example app for others to reference.

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Type in a topic and hit join! You'll be placed into a chatroom created for that topic. You'll see messages from other users who have entered the same topic. You'll also be notified when a user joins or leaves.

User accounts or based on the current browser tab's session. The names are generated randomly as you join a new tab. This means you can open up multiple different tabs and join as multiple different users to various topics.



# install client dependencies
npm i

# install server dependencies
npm i --prefix server


# serve Svelte client
npm run dev

# build Svelte client
npm run build

# run server locally
# view README.md under /server directory

# run full app locally
bash build.sh; node server/server.js

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