Svelte Tetris

A childhood memory Tetris game built with Svelte and Akita.

Table Of Content

Working Game

Check out the working game ->

The game has sounds, wear your 🎧 or turn on your πŸ”Š for a better experience.


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Tetris game was the first gaming machine I had as a child, it cost about 1$ at that time.

My Tetris was exactly in the same yellow color and it was so big, running on 2 AA battery. It is how it looks.

After i saw the Tetris game built with Angular by trungk18, Tetris game built with Vue by his wife. I came up with an idea why I didn't build the same Tetris with Svelte? And here you go.

Who is this for?

I built this game dedicated to:

  • For anyone that grew up with Tetris as a part of your memory. It was my childhood memory and I hope you enjoy the game as well.
  • For the Svelte developer community, I have never really seen a game that built with Svelte and that's my answer. Using Akita as the underlying state management helps me to see all of the data flow, it is great for debugging. I wanted to see more Svelte game from you guys πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ

How to play

Before playing

  • You can use both keyboard and mouse to play. But prefer to use keyboard
  • Press arrow left and right to change the speed of the game. The higher the number, the faster the piece will fall
  • Press arrow up and down to change how many of lines have been filled before starting the game
  • Press Space to start the game
  • Press P for pause/resume game
  • Press R for resetting the game
  • Press S for the turn on/off the sounds

Playing game

  • Press Space make the piece drop quickly
  • Press Arrow left and right for moving left and right
  • Press Arrow up to rotate the piece
  • Press Arrow down to move a piece faster
  • When clearing lines, you will receive a point - 100 points for 1 line, 300 points for 2 lines, 700 points for 3 lines, 1500 points for 4 lines
  • The drop speed of the pieces increases with the number of rows eliminated (one level up for every 20 lines cleared)


I built it barely with Svelte and Akita, no additional UI framework/library was required.

Development Challenge

I got the inspiration from the same but different Tetris game built with Vue. To not reinvented the wheel, I started to look at Vue code and thought it would be very identical to Svelte. But later on, I realized a few catches:

  • The Vue source code was written a few years ago with pure JS. I could find several problems that the compiler didn't tell you. Such as giving parseInt a number. It is still working though, but I don't like it.
  • There was extensive use of setTimeout and setInterval for making animations. I rewrote all of the animation logic using RxJS. You will see the detail below.
  • The brain of the game also used setTimeout for the game loop. It was not a problem, but I was having a hard time understanding the code on some essential elements: how to render the piece to the UI, how the calculation makes sense with XY axis. In the end, I changed all of the logic to a proper functional way using TypeScript, based on @trungk18/angular-tetris.

Tetris Core

It is the most important part of the game. As I am following the Vue and Angular source code, It is getting harder to understand what was the developer's intention. The Vue version inspired me but I think I have to write the core Tetris differently.

Take a look at the two blocks of code below which do the same rendering piece on the screen and you will understand what I am talking about. The left side was rewritten with Svelte and TypeScript and the right side was the JS version.

I always think that your code must be written as you talk to people, without explaining a word. Otherwise, when someone comes in and reads your code and maintains it, they will be struggling.

β€œ Code is like humor. When you have to explain it, it’s bad.” – Cory House

And let me emphasize it again, I didn't write the brain of the game from scratch. I adapted the well-written source by @trungk18/angular-tetris for Tetris core. I did refactor some parts to support Akita and wrote some new functionality as well.

Akita state management + dev tool support

Although you don't dispatch any action, Akita will still do it undo the hood as the Update action. And you still can see the data with Redux DevTools. Remember to put that option into your main.ts

import { akitaDevtools, persistState } from "@datorama/akita";

I turn it on all the time on if you run project, you can open the DevTools and start seeing the data flow.

Note: opening the DevTools could reduce the performance of the game significantly. I recommended you turn it off when you want to archive a high score πŸ€“

Customizing Piece

I still keep a base Piece class in @trungk18/angular-tetris for a piece. And for each type of piece, it will extend from the same base class to inherit the same capability

export class Piece {
  x: number;
  y: number;
  rotation = PieceRotation.Deg0;
  type: PieceTypes;
  shape: Shape;
  next: Shape;

  private _shapes: Shapes;
  private _lastConfig: Partial<Piece>;

  constructor(x: number, y: number) {
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;

  store(): Piece {
    this._lastConfig = {
      x: this.x,
      y: this.y,
      rotation: this.rotation,
      shape: this.shape,
    return this._newPiece();

  //code removed for brevity

For example, I have a piece L. I create a new class name PieceL. I will contain the shape of L in four different rotation so that I don't have to mess up with the math to do minus plus on the XY axis. And I think defining in that way makes the code self-express better. If you see 1, it means on the matrix it will be filled, 0 mean empty tile.

If my team member needs to maintain the code, I hope he will understand what I was trying to write immediately. Or maybe not 🀣

One import property of the Piece is the next property to display the piece shape on the decoration box for the upcoming piece.

const ShapesL: Shapes = [];
ShapesL[PieceRotation.Deg0] = [
  [0, 0, 0, 0],
  [1, 0, 0, 0],
  [1, 0, 0, 0],
  [1, 1, 0, 0],

ShapesL[PieceRotation.Deg90] = [
  [0, 0, 0, 0],
  [0, 0, 0, 0],
  [1, 1, 1, 0],
  [1, 0, 0, 0],
//code removed for brevity

export class PieceL extends Piece {
  constructor(x: number, y: number) {
    super(x, y);
    this.type = PieceTypes.L; = [
      [0, 0, 1, 0],
      [1, 1, 1, 0],

Now is the interesting part, you create a custom piece by yourself. Simply create a new class that extends from Piece with different rotations.

For instance, I will define a new piece call F with class name [PieceF]. That is how it should look like.

const ShapesF: Shapes = [];
ShapesF[PieceRotation.Deg0] = [
  [1, 0, 0, 0],
  [1, 1, 0, 0],
  [1, 0, 0, 0],
  [1, 1, 0, 0],

export class PieceF extends Piece {
  constructor(x, y) {
    super(x, y);
    this.type = PieceTypes.F; = [
      [1, 0, 1, 0],
      [1, 1, 1, 1],

And the last step, go to PieceFactory to add the new PieceF into the available pieces.

export class PieceFactory {
  private _available: typeof Piece[] = [];

  constructor() {
    //code removed for brevity

And you're all set, this is the result. See how easy it is to understand the code and add a custom piece that you like.


I rewrote the animation with RxJS. See the comparison below for the simple dinosaurs running animation at the beginning of the game.

You could do a lot of stuff if you know RxJS well enough :) I think I need to strengthen my RxJS knowledge soon enough as well. Super powerful.

Web Audio API

There are many sound effects in the game such as when you press space, or left, right. In reality, all of the sounds were a reference to a single file assets/tetris-sound.mp3.

I don't have much experience working with audio before but the Web Audio API looks very promising. You could do more with it.

Keyboard handling

I decided to use svelte:window instead. A simple implementation could look like:

    <svelte:window on:keydown={handleKeyboardDown} on:keyup={handleKeyboardUp} />

See more at src/containers/svelte-tetris/svelte-tetris.svelte

Setting up development environment πŸ› 

  • git clone
  • cd svelte-tetris
  • npm i
  • npm run dev
  • The app should run on http://localhost:5000/

Author: Nguyen Binh An ✍️

  • A young and passionate front-end engineer. Working with JavaScript and TypeScript. Like photography, cooking, and reading books.

Credits and references

Resource Description
[@Binaryify/vue-tetris][vue] Vue Tetris, I reused part of HTML, CSS and static assets from that project
[@chrum/ngx-tetris][ngx-tetris] A comprehensive core Tetris written with Angular, I reused part of that for the brain of the game.
[@trungk18/angular-tetris][angular] Power of Akita state management with Angular to making crazy tetris game
[Super Rotation System][srs] A standard for how the piece behaves. I didn't follow everything but it is good to know as wells


If you have any ideas, just open an issue and tell me what you think.

If you'd like to contribute, please fork the repository and make changes as you'd like. Pull requests are warmly welcome.


Feel free to use my code on your project. It would be great if you put a reference to this repository.

README copyright trungk18, Edit by me.


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