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Trail Conditions

Crowd-source Status condition app built in Svelte

Trail Conditions

A genericized condition reporting application created in Svelte modeled after my more specific app for Austin, Texas area mountain bike trails: ATX MTB Trail Conditions. Crowd-sourced, instantly updated and backed by a Firebase backend.


(to be updated)

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In the mountain biking community, at least in Austin, Texas, there's that will put a damper on the local's enjoyment of the trails than a good dose of trail-soaking rain. The volunteer-built trails in the area get damaged from use when wet due to the soil quality in Central Texas. To allieviate these issues, the community posts on an online forum with their reports of trail conditions. This can be handy but accessing the info might require scrolling through posts. I created this app to have a single place to update the conditions.

This particular app is a genericized version for the user to place whatever info they'd like. It can be useful for any kind of trails but also situations such as job sites and tent space.

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