
This repository is based on Sam Herbert's SVG-Loaders project. There are many loadig indicator display strategy like JS, CSS, GIF, Lottie and Custom Fonts. SVG is another loading indicator/spinner option because it's supporting animations natively on browsers and widely supporting. This project aims to provide ready-to-use SVG loader examples as components in Angular, React, Vue, Svelte without broke your development environment experience.

Basicly we can use SVG files with <img> tag or import directly as inline code. We cannot style SVG content over <img> tag. Also, inline option is not good for clean development experience. We created this project for smooth and better experience for developers.

📄 Documentation

Please check the documentation for installation and usage.

📚 Supported frameworks

Framework Docs Live Demo Live Demo Source
Angular Docs Stackblitz Demo Source
React Docs Stackblitz Demo Source
Svelte Docs Stackblitz Demo Source
Vue Docs Stackblitz Demo Source

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