sveltekit-routing-options Svelte Themes

Sveltekit Routing Options

A repo showing various new REST routing options

Names from me for the sake of having short names in the table, if you know better ones, let me know:

  • "Basic": fetch in +page.svelte, endpoint code/db calls in +server.ts
  • "Comfy": no fetch, endpoint code/db calls in +page.server.ts
  • "Flexy": fetch in +page.ts, endpoint code/db calls in +server.ts
Basic Comfy Flexy
Types are preserved between FE and BE w/o manual redeclaration
Endpoint can also be used alone as pure JSON one (DRY)
Minimal/not boileeplate-y
One serialization run only* 🟨

* Flexy has always min. 2 runs (devalue and fetch's .stringify/.json run) and Comfy has devalue and if you need more special types preserved potentially more than 1 as well

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