teiler Svelte Themes


Teiler is an open source library that simplifies the creation of stylish components for various frameworks.

Teiler πŸͺ‘ (ˈteΙͺlΙ™r - tailor)

Teiler is an open source library that simplifies the creation of stylish components for various frameworks.

Currently in the alpha phase, the library is actively being developed and improved.

Join our community on our Discord Server to stay informed about the latest developments, exchange ideas, and connect with fellow developers. We are continuously working on expanding our support to include more frameworks, allowing developers to effortlessly create components across various environments.


  • 🧰 Multiple frameworks support
  • πŸͺ‘ Patterns system for UI libraries
  • πŸš‰ Server-Side Rendering (SSR)*
  • ⚑ Babel not required

* Not all frameworks, more details here


import { component } from '@teiler/framework'

const Button = component.button<{
  _primary: boolean
  display: inline-block;
  border-radius: 4px;
  font-size: 0.8rem;
  line-height: 1.5rem;
  background: transparent;
  box-shadow: 0 0 0 3px #CBCBCB inset;

  ${({ _primary }) =>
    _primary && `
      color: #fff;
      box-shadow: none;
      background: #CBCBCB;


These are the frameworks we are currently working on and planning to support in the future.

Framework CSR SSR More details
Svelte v4 βœ“ βœ• README
VueJS βœ“ βœ“ README
SolidJS βœ• βœ• ---
React βœ• βœ• ---

[!NOTE] CSR - Client Side Rendering
SSR - Server Side Rendering

Sew a Pattern

This tool simplifies the creation of consistent and reusable visual styles for components across various web frameworks. It provides a pattern-based approach, where patterns serve as blueprints for defining the visual style of components.


// Pattern file in ui kit library
import { pattern } from '@teiler/core'

const ButtonPattern = pattern.button`
  display: inline-block;
  border-radius: 4px;
  font-size: 0.8rem;
  line-height: 1.5rem;
  background: transparent;
  box-shadow: 0 0 0 3px #CBCBCB inset;

export default ButtonPattern

// Usage of Pattern
import { ButtonPattern } from 'some-uikit-library'
import { sew } from '@teiler/core'
import { createComponent } from '@teiler/framework'

const Button = sew(ButtonPattern, createComponent)

export default Button


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