workos-drizzle-sveltekit-neon-rls-authorize Svelte Themes

Workos Drizzle Sveltekit Neon Rls Authorize

An example app of Neon RLS Authorize app built with WorkOS. Uses Drizzle and SvelteKit

Neon RLS Authorize + WorkOS Example (SvelteKit)

A quick start SvelteKit template demonstrating user authentication and authorization using Neon RLS Authorize with WorkOS integration. This example showcases how to use WorkOS for authentication and Neon RLS Authorize for securing your database with Row Level Security (RLS).


  • SvelteKit application with TypeScript
  • User authentication powered by WorkOS
  • Row-level security using Neon RLS Authorize
  • Database migrations with Drizzle ORM
  • Ready-to-deploy configuration for Netlify


  • Neon account with a new project
  • WorkOS account with a new application
  • Node.js 18+ installed locally

One-Click Deploy

Deploy this example to Netlify with a single click:

Important: After deploying, ensure your WorkOS Redirect URI is set to your deployment URL (e.g., in your WorkOS Application settings.

Local Development Setup

1. Configure WorkOS

  1. Navigate to your WorkOS dashboard and create an AuthKit connection.
  2. Configure the Redirect URI to http://localhost:5173/callback.
  3. Copy the Client ID and API Key for the next steps.

2. Set Up Neon RLS Authorize

  1. Open your Neon Console and click "RLS Authorize" in your project's settings.

  2. Add a new authentication provider.

  3. Set the JWKS URL to: {YOUR_WORKOS_URL}/.well-known/jwks.json

    Replace {YOUR_WORKOS_URL} with your WorkOS domain (e.g.,{YOUR_CLIENT_ID}). You can find the exact format in your .env.example as WORKOS_JWKS_URL.

3. Local Installation

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd workos-drizzle-sveltekit-neon-rls-authorize
  2. Install dependencies:

    npm install
  3. Create a .env file based on .env.example and fill in the necessary values:

    # For the admin `neondb_owner` role.
    # For the `authenticated`, passwordless role.
    # For the `anonymous` role, passwordless role.
    WEBSITE_URL=http://localhost:5173 # Change to your deployment URL
    # from the WorkOS dashboard
    # from the WorkOS dashboard
    # format is{client_id}
    # run `openssl rand -base64 64` to generate a new password
  4. Set up the database:

    npm run db:generate  # Generate migrations
    npm run db:migrate   # Run migrations
  5. Start the development server:

    npm run dev -- --open
  6. Visit http://localhost:5173 to see the application running.

Important: Production Setup

Update your WorkOS environment to production and the JWKS URL in Neon RLS Authorize accordingly.

Note: Before deploying to production, ensure you have configured the correct Redirect URI in your WorkOS Application settings to match your deployed application's URL (e.g.,

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