svelte-calendar Svelte Themes

Svelte Calendar

🗓️ A simple Svelte calendar that can act as a date picker.

🗓️ Svelte Calendar

A simple Svelte calendar that can act as a date picker.


Please note that all dates are on the YYYY-MM-DD format.

Name Description Type Default isReactive
mode The mode of the calendar : display, single or multiple String single False
locale The locale of the calendar (FR / EN) String en False
minDate The minimun allowed date of the calendar String null False
maxDate The maximum allowed date of the calendar String null False
disabledDates Array of disabled dates String[] [] False
maxSelectableDates Maximum of date selectable in multiple mode Number 2 False
selectedDate Date selected on single mode String null True
selectedDates Array of selected dates on multiple mode String[] [] True


  • selectedDate and selectedDates are reset when mode is updated.

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