RASM-TodoList Svelte Themes

Rasm Todolist

Explorations in Svelte, Rust and Web3 with a TodoList


Todolist powered by Rust, web3-based Authentication, Svelte, and MongoDB. It is built from scratch, with a responsive design and supports dark mode.

Setting Up

1. Clone/Download the Repository

2. Configure Environment Variables for the Server

Sign up for a free MongoDB Atlas account. Create a .env file in the /server directory with the following variables to allow the server to interact with your MongoDB collection:


3. Install Dependencies and Run the Server

Install the dependencies defined in Cargo.toml file using the following command:

cargo build

You can now run the web server with the following command:

cargo run

4. Configure Environment Variables for the App

To connect the app with the server, create a .env file in the /app directory with the following variable:


5. Install Dependencies and Run the App

Install the app dependencies by running the following command:

npm install

Now, run the app on a development server with the following command:

npm run dev

Make sure you have Metamask installed and listen to Goerli to interact with the dapp. If things go well, you should see this on your screen.

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