svelte-browser-extension-template Svelte Themes

Svelte Browser Extension Template

A template for creating browser extensions using Svelte, Tailwind CSS, TypeScript and Vite.


A template for creating browser extensions using:

Firefox Chromium / Edge


It has two entry-points to create Popup and Options pages:

  • popup/index.html
  • options/index.html

By default, when running the dev server, it will launch the /src/popup/index.html page. Go to this section to modify the run dev behavior.


  1. Clone the repository git clone

  2. Run pnpm install

  3. Run pnpm run watch to start a dev server with HMR or pnpm run build to build for production


Creating or removing pages

  1. Edit the build.input object inside Vite config
   input: {
       popup: fileURLToPath(
         new URL('./src/popup/index.html', import.meta.url)
       options: fileURLToPath(
         new URL('./src/options/index.html', import.meta.url)
  1. Insert entry-point/page by inserting entry-point: path-to-page pair inside the object. Ex: Adding an about page:
    input: {
        popup: fileURLToPath(
          new URL('./src/popup/index.html', import.meta.url)
        options: fileURLToPath(
          new URL('./src/options/index.html', import.meta.url)
        about: fileURLToPath(
          new URL('./src/about/index.html', import.meta.url)
  1. Create a main.ts, index.html and - optionally - about.svelte file in the src/about folder for the page similar to how it is done in src/popup folder and src/options folder.

Creating or removing path aliases

  1. Open vite.config.ts

  2. Insert a path alias in resolve.alias obj using 'alias': resolve-relative-path-to-alias key-value pair. Ex: '$types': fileURLToPath(new URL('./src/lib/types', import.meta.url))

  3. Open tsconfig.json and add the alias contents there as well. Ex: for @types alias add "$types/*": ["./src/lib/types/*"], to the paths obj. This step is not required, it is only to let JS / TS know about the alias to stop showing errors.

Note: @types won't work, as tsconfig.ts uses this alias inside node_modules/@types

Modifying dev server launch page

Open vite.config.ts file and edit to the location you want the dev server to open by default.

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