The Tool That Completes GRPC

Tap Rpc is a tool that aids in proto based dynamic generation of :
- A mock server that sends realistic auto generated mock responses (which can be customized).
- Realtime modification of request and responses. Modify requests from client before it reaches server and modify response from server before it reaches client.
- Provides grpc client to send auto generated mock requests to your services.
Tap-Rpc aims to significantly ease the development and testing efforts for all of frontend, backend devs and also testers.
Installation and Usage :
Download the latest release from here :
In your client app, set the host and port for the grpc service to point to the Tap-Rpc’s ip address and port shown at the middle of the Tap-Rpc window title.
Set the default target server URL, which is needed for the monitor and client modes.
User selects the proto files containing the services. Once you select proto files, all the services and Rpcs in those services appear in a tree structure and you can select a particular rpc.
At this point any requests coming from the client will be forwarded to the default target server in the background.
Now your client app is ready to access all the features of Tap-Rpc.
Tap Rpc provides 3 modes of operation :
Mock Rpc mode :
- Automatically setup mock response server by loading proto file
- Generates convincing mock responses based on the properties in the proto
- Supports loading multiple proto files with multiple services and rpcs
- Edit values of generated mock responses based on your need
Monitor mode :
- Monitor requests and responses by acting as the middle man between a grpc client and server
- Edit requests in real time before it reaches the backend server
- Edit response in real time before it reaches back the client
Client mode :
- Test your backend services independently with this client
- Generates convincing Mock Request objects for quick rpc calls
Contributors :