Sveltekit Template

Sveltekit template - inspired by Hackathon Starter

Koa API with authentication, refresh token, password reset - repo can be found here koa-api


Demo App


  • Bootstrap 5 CSS (Bootstrap 5 is now Modular)
  • Formatting with ESLint and Prettier
  • User authentication with JWT token (register users must confirm email to create an account)
  • User profile page with gravatar if available else displays a default image
  • User forgot password
  • User roles (customer, admin)
  • Admin panel section displaying all register users and stats
  • Pagination inspired by svelte-paginate

Getting started

  • Rename the demo.env to .env enter your info

  • Create certs directory inside the secrets directory and generate local certs inside. Secure cookie are used on local development (to simulate production issue).

    git clone

    npm install && npm start

Now head over to your favorite browser and open up localhost:3001 and you are ready to go.

IMPORTANT! Start the API repository and follow the instructions on how to seed the sample users data

Login as ADMIN and Password1

Login as customer Password1



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