svelte-custom-elements-demo Svelte Themes

Svelte Custom Elements Demo


This demonstrates defining custom elements from Svelte components and using them in a non-Svelte web app (React in this case).

custom-elements directory

This directory defines the Svelte components Greet and Counter. Both specify <svelte:options tag={null} />. Using null instead of a name allows web apps that use the generated custom elements to define them with any name they choose.

These components are exported from src/custom-elements.js so the build process doesn't remove them in tree shaking.

The package.json file here defines the npm script custom-elements which runs Rollup using rollup.ce-config.js. This Rollup config uses src/custom-elements.js for its input and passes the customElement: true prop to the svelte plugin.

Running npm run custom-elements produces the file public/build/bundle.js. The hope is that this file will contain JavaScript class definitions for Counter and Greet and that a non-Svelte web app can import these classes and use them to define custom elements with something like customElements.define('my-counter', Counter); and customElements.define('my-greet', Greet);.

Currently the generated bundle.js does not export any class definitions, so this doesn't work yet.


This directory defines a simple React app that was created using create-react-app. Eventually I hope to modify this to use the two custom elements created from the Svelte components Counter and Greet.

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