Minimalistic blog site template, built with Svelte, SvelteKit and MDsveX. Originally forked from @mehdi_vasigh's sveltekit-mdsvex-blog, subsequently ported to the new SvelteKit version with several enhancements added.
Write in markdown, publish in Svelte! Particularly simple, suprisingly powerful.
and +page
routingFirst, clone the repository and navigate to the project directory:
git clone my-blog
cd my-blog
If you want to have a fresh commit history, blow away the .git
directory and re-initialize the repository locally:
rm -rf .git
git init
Next, install dependencies with NPM:
npm install
Finally, run the local development server:
npm run dev
This project is pre-configured with any provider. This makes deploying to static site hosts, such as Vercel or Netlify, super easy. Simply add your site's repository to your static site host of choice, configure the build command to be npm run build
and the build output directory to be build
SvelteKit is still pre-release software and APIs may change dramatically. Therefore, the code in this repository may need modifications to work with future releases of SvelteKit and MDsveX respectively. Please feel free to open an issue or raise a pull request if you find any issues!