Svelte WordPress Starter

A WordPress Svelte starter plugin

📦 What it ships with?

  • Pre-configured vite config
    • Separate frontend.js and admin.js
  • Frontend (shortcode) and Backend starter app
  • Modern PHP codebase with namespace support

🚚 Running

  1. Clone this repository in your plugins folder
  2. Activate the plugin

👨‍💻 Post Installation

  1. The name of the plugin class is Base_Plugin, change the class name with your desired class name.
  2. Replace the PHP namespace App with your desired name.
  3. Replace baseplugin or BASEPLUGIN reference in files.
  4. Run npm install
  5. To start developing, run npm run dev 🤘
  6. For production build, run npm run build 👍

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