
Kirby Svelte Kit

⚠️ Work in progress... do not use in production!

Kirby + SvelteKit Monorepo Template

This template provides a starting point for website projects with both a Kirby admin running in the background on some PHP server and a SvelteKit frontend, that can be server side rendered and deployed to services like Netlify. After editing some content in the admin, a user will have to click a "deploy" button, that triggers a Netlify build hook, which then grabs the content from the Kirby API.

Backend (PHP + Composer + Kirby)

The admin lives in /admin/

cd admin
composer install
composer update

Link your local Valet test domain to admin

valet link {project}

Install Kirby plugins

When building the content structure in Kirby, don’t try to mirror the exact page


composer update getkirby/cms

Frontend (SvelteKit)

npm install
npm run dev

npm run build
npm run preview


Upload these directories to PHP server:

  • admin
  • content and point your admin domain to admin.

You can also host a pre-built version of your website on the same server. Run npm run build, upload the newly created build folder to your server as well and point your public domain to it. Note, that you will have to manually recompile your website in order to reflect any changes to the content.

If you connect this repo to Netlify, everytime you push to the main branch, the frontend will be rebuilt using the current state of the content stored in Kirby.



  • Check netlify.toml
  • @sveltejs/adapter-netlify adapter is already installed (see svelte.config.js)
  • Create a build hook
  • Create 2 "Outgoing notifications" pointing to your online admin url
    • "Deploy succeeded" webhook to {your-domain}/webhook/netlify_deploy/success
    • "Deploy failed" webhook to {your-domain}/webhook/netlify_deploy/error

Read more on Kirby Webhook Field.


  • Rename config.kirby-svelte-kit.test.php to match your test domain
  • Configure Kirby like
    'frontend.url' => 'https://{your-website}',
    'pju.webhook-field.hooks' => [
    'netlify_deploy' => [
      'url' => '{your-build-hook}'


– Go to src/lib/config.js to do some settings like API base urls


  • Include basic content?
  • Get site (meta) data from CMS
  • Is there a way to directly preview content changes before deploying them? Maybe with Netlify preview builds? Or maybe there is a copy of the complete website on the admin server as well, that doesn’t do server side rendering but works like a SPA and fetches fresh content everytime you look at it. Maybe redirect empty {template}.php to the corresponding page on the frontend?

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