
Adventure Cymru.svelte

A website for a ficticious company known as Adventure Cymru, built in SvelteKit | GCSE I.T. Project

Adventure Cymru

Adventure Cymru is a ficticious company that I have been asked to create a website for in my Information Technology GCSE course.

How to Run the Website


  1. A working computer (Windows, macOS or Linux)
  2. NodeJS and npm

Running the Website

  1. Either git clone or download this project
$ git clone
$ cd Adventure-Cymru


Press the "Download ZIP" button, then unzip the archived file that is downloaded.

  1. To run the website, open the folder within a terminal and type the following commands
$ npm install
$ npm run dev

*You may also use yarn or bun

  1. Visit the localhost address provided in the terminal
$ npm run dev

> [email protected] dev
> vite dev

  VITE vx.x.x ready in xxxx ms

  Local: https://localhost:5173/
  Network: use --host to expose
  press h to show help

The address you need to visit is the one containing "localhost" (may also be Most terminals will allow you to control/command+click this, however, if that does not work, enter this into your browser's URL bar.

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