google-docs-addon-svelte-template Svelte Themes

Google Docs Addon Svelte Template

A template repository to develop a Google Docs add-on with Svelte


A template repository to develop a Google Docs add-on with Svelte.

Getting Started

  1. Log in and authenticate with your Google account:
    npm run clasp:login
  2. Create a new standalone project:
    npm run clasp:create
  3. Deploy the project:
    npm run deploy
  4. Open the project:
    npm run clasp:open

Test the add-on

Once you followed the steps above and have the Apps Script project open, the following steps explain how to test the add-on:

  1. Click Run, then Test as add-on...
  2. Click Select Doc and choose a document you want to use for testing.
  3. Click Save
  4. In the *Execute Saved Test" section that appeared at the top, select your document and click Test.
  5. With the document now open, navigate to Add-ons | Google-docs-addon-svelte-template | My Add-on

This opens the Svelte sidebar.

Navigate to the sidebar folder and develop & test the application as you would any regular Svelte application, i.e. npm run dev.

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