pyloid-sveltekit-boilerplate Svelte Themes

Pyloid Sveltekit Boilerplate



Pyloid-SvelteKit-boilerplate is a template for projects combining a SvelteKit frontend with a Python backend. Here, we'll explain in detail the project setup, development, and build process.


1. Project Initialization

Before starting the project, you need to install all necessary dependencies.

npm install # node
poetry install # python

These commands performs the following tasks:

  1. Install npm packages
  2. Create a Python virtual environment using poetry (.venv)
  3. Install Python dependencies (based on pyproject.toml)

2. Running the Development Server

During development, you can run both frontend and backend servers simultaneously with the following command:

npm run dev # sveltekit
poetry run poe dev # pyloid

These commands performs the following tasks:

  1. Run the SvelteKit frontend development server using Vite
  2. Run the Python backend server (

The concurrently package is used to run both processes in parallel.

3. Building the Project

To build the project for production deployment, use the following command:

npm run build # sveltekit
poetry run poe build # pyloid

These commands performs the following tasks:

  1. Frontend build using Vite
  2. Package the Python backend into an executable using PyInstaller

How PyInstaller Works

  1. Dependency Analysis: PyInstaller analyzes the Python script and its dependencies.
  2. File Collection: It collects all necessary Python modules, libraries, and data files.
  3. Binary Generation: It packages the collected files into a single directory or a single executable file.

Important Notes

  • Cross-platform Builds: You need to perform the build for each platform on the respective operating system.
  • Environment Variables: You may need to set environment variables appropriately depending on the production environment.

This guide should help you understand the process of initializing, developing, and building a project using the Pylon Boilerplate. Backend packaging with PyInstaller simplifies deployment and facilitates dependency management.

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