sveltekit-trailingSlash-issue Svelte Themes

Sveltekit Trailingslash Issue

This repro represents a minimal reproducible example for the violation of the default behaviour of trainingSlash and default paths.base introduced in Sveltekit version 1.30.1

Minimal reproducible example

This project represents a small example that shows an issue with Sveltekits default behaviour regarding trailingSlash introduced in Sveltekit version 1.30.1. The corresponding docs state that Sveltekit removes trailing Slashes by default which does not really work consistently anymore.


  • trailingSlash not specified
  • paths.base default value

Repro using the sample app

  1. Clicking the Foo link on the root page will redirect to http://localhost:5173/home/foo/ and the trailing shlash does not get removed. Reloading on this page will lead to removal of the trailing slash as follows http://localhost:5173/home/foo. This is some inconsistency since I would expect consistent behaviour accross reloads.
  2. Having the trailing slash like http://localhost:5173/home/foo/ will cause an issue when using a link where the href only specifies the child like href="bar" since it will try to navigate to the non existing route http://localhost:5173/home/foo/bar. This feature works with Sveltekit removing trailing slashes

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