pronounced: done did it
PWA task management app written in Svelte 5/SvelteKit and IndexedDB.
Check it out at
Everything you need to build a Svelte project, powered by sv
If you're seeing this, you've probably already done this step. Congrats!
# create a new project in the current directory
npx sv create
# create a new project in my-app
npx sv create my-app
Once you've created a project and installed dependencies with npm install
(or pnpm install
or yarn
), start a development server:
npm run dev
# or start the server and open the app in a new browser tab
npm run dev -- --open
To create a production version of your app:
npm run build
You can preview the production build with npm run preview
To deploy your app, you may need to install an adapter for your target environment.
$props $state $effect
style:transform={flipped 'rotateY(0)' : ''}
# import transitions from svelte/transition
js function that attaches to the lifecycle of a component. On mount, it gets called with the node. On unmount, the returned cleanup function gets called.
{#if}{:else}{:else if}{/if}
{each colors as color}{/each}
{#key i}
svelte 5 todo list / task tracker
similar to habitica
Running pnpm run dev --host
and accessing the page on phone may render properly but the buttons don't work. I am not sure why this is happening but I guess it might be because of being served over http and not https or because some parts aren't hosted properly. Anyway, exposing the regular pnpm run dev
port via ngrok http <port>
makes things work.