Svelte Supabase Data Fetching Example

This project demonstrates how to fetch data from a Supabase database table and display it using Svelte. It utilises Supabase's API to retrieve user data and presents it in an HTML table using Svelte components.

Files Explained


This file serves as the main entry point for a Svelte page. It imports the AllUsers component to display all fetched user data.

  • Purpose:
    • Provides an entry point for rendering the AllUsers component.
    • Displays links to documentation for Supabase and Svelte.


This file contains the main logic for fetching and displaying user data from Supabase.

  • Context Module Script:

    • Initializes the Supabase client using credentials (SUPABASE_URL and SUPABASE_ANON_KEY).
    • Purpose:
      • Sets up the Supabase client to interact with the Supabase service.
  • Main Script:

    • Imports necessary Svelte functions (onMount) and defines the User type.
    • Initializes an empty array users to store fetched user data.
    • Uses onMount to asynchronously fetch data from the users table using Supabase's select method.
    • Purpose:
      • Fetches data from the Supabase users table and handles errors.
      • Populates the users array with retrieved data.
  • Template:

    • Conditionally renders content based on whether data is being fetched (users.length > 0).
    • Displays a table with user data (user.login, user.first_name, user.last_name) if data is available.
    • Shows a "Fetching data..." message if data is still loading.
    • Purpose:
      • Renders the fetched user data in an HTML table structure.


  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Install dependencies using npm install.
  3. Run the project using npm run dev.

Creating Your Own


  1. Create a table named users in Supabase.
  2. Create the following fields as text:
    • login
    • first_name
    • last_name
  3. Add at least one row of data.
  4. Create Row Level Security Policy (Authentication => Policies)
    • Use SELECT Enable read access for all users template
    • Save Policy
  5. You can find your project API URL and Public Key in Project Settings => API.


  1. Create a new Svelte Skeleton TypeScript project:
    npm create svelte@latest Svelte-Show-Data-From-Supabase
    cd Svelte-Show-Data-From-Supabase
    npm install
  2. Install the Supabase client library:
    npm install @supabase/supabase-js
  3. Start coding!

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