Spring-Svelte-Template Svelte Themes

Spring Svelte Template

Spring + Svelete starter template


This is a template project for Spring Boot and Svelte. It is a simple project that can be used as a starting point for a full stack application using Spring Boot and Svelte.

Getting started

To get started, clone the repository and run the gradle task gradle build. All the necessary dependencies will be downloaded and the project will be built.

Running the application

To run the application, run the gradle task gradle bootRun. The application will start and be available at http://localhost:8080. You can change the port by modifying the server_port property in the application.properties file.

Running the frontend

It's not recommend to run the frontend, but if you want to run the frontend separately, run gradle task gradle runSvelte. Spring-Svelete-Template is built to run the frontend and backend together, so running the frontend separately is not recommended.

Gradle properties

As default, this project control core configuration with gradle properties. DO NOT include gradle.properties files to commit to prevent leaking sensitive information.

Here's the list of properties that can be configured:

Property Description Default
kotlin_version The version of Kotlin to use. 1.9.22
coroutines_version The version of Kotlin Coroutines to use. 1.7.3
target_java_version The version of Java to target. 17
group_name The group name of the project. com.example
main_class The main class of the project. HelloWorldKt
version The version of the project. 0.0.1
server_port The port the server will run on. 8080
database_url The URL of the database. localhost:3306
database_table The name of the database table. test
database_user The username of the database. root
database_password The password of the database. root

Template framework versions

Template can be outdated anytime, so you will need to update the versions of the frameworks used in the project. Here are the versions of the frameworks used in the template:

Framework Version
Spring Boot 3.2.0
Java 17
Kotlin 1.9.22
Gradle 8.4
Svelte 4.2.12
Vite 5.2.0


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

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