A basic reference for an accessible range control that can be dropped in to your Svelte project.
No current intentions to turn this into a module, just grab copy the code and away you go. Check the REPL for an implementation example.
You can retrieve the value from the control through either the onChange event or binding the value to a parent variable.
onChange event listener: <Range on:change={(e) => value = e.detail.value} />
Bind value: <Range bind:value/>
: Outline of track when tab-focused
: Non-active background color of track
: Background color of active part of track
: Background of active part of track, can use linear-gradient()
: Background color of thumb
: rgba(x, x, x, 0.3) value for the circular outline on the thumb when held
: Background color of tooltip
: Background of tooltip, can use linear-gradient()
: Text color for tooltip