
Sapper Mongo Tailwind Smelte Youtube

Integrating Svelte/Sapper, MongoDB, Smelte + Tailwindcss (v2) directly, and with YouTube Data API v3


A starter project for Sapper and Svelte based Single Page Applications (SPA)

Getting started

Using degit

degit is a scaffolding tool that lets you create a directory from a branch in a repository.

npx degit my-app


cd my-app
# if you prefer yarn
yarn install
# OR if you prefer npm
npm install

#RUN dev
npm run dev

Adding pages and routes

Create *.svelte files in src/routes to create new HTML pages with a main Svelte component. You can added a preload function in <script context=module> script tags to fetch any data before the page component is mounted.

Create *.json.js files in src/routes to create new JSON/REST routes with exported get, post, put, patch, del functions to handle GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, and DELETE HTTP request methods.

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