svelte-track-outboundlink Svelte Themes

Svelte Track Outboundlink

Svelte component for tracking outbound links in analytics.


Svelte component for tracking outbound links in analytics.

Currently works with Google Tag Manager (gtag.js). Package assumes that you have already installed gtag.js.


npm i svelte-track-outboundlink -D

The OutboundLink component will be output as an anchor tag. When clicked it will fire a gtag.js event with the following properties:

  • Action: click
  • Category: outbound
  • Label: the href prop value
  • Transport type: beacon


Import the component and use it in place of an anchor tag when linking to external pages:

  import OutboundLink from "svelte-track-outboundlink";

<OutboundLink href="" class="example">Example Link</OutboundLink>

The following props are available:

Name Type Default Example
href string javascript:void(0);
target string undefined _blank
rel string undefined noreferrer

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