
Vanilla Javascript Web Components

A Web Component without the help of any framework or libraries! this allows us to dig into the deeper details of Web Components including the lifecycle events, ShadowDOM and the many issues that a library or framework abstracts away for us. Problems dealing with events and rendering become immediately apparent when looking to roll our own solution rather than using something like LitElement, Stencil, svelte, react, vue, angular or any other framework that provides an abstraction layer on top of creating a Web Component. We look at the issues in using innerHTML to setup the UserInterface and also how tricky it is to sync the attributes and properties between the component class and the tag element on the html page.


A Web Component without the help of any framework or libraries! this allows us to dig into the deeper details of Web Components including the lifecycle events, ShadowDOM and the many issues that a library or framework abstracts away for us. Problems dealing with events and rendering become immediately apparent when looking to roll our own solution rather than using something like LitElement, Stencil, svelte, react, vue, angular or any other framework that provides an abstraction layer on top of creating a Web Component. We look at the issues in using innerHTML to setup the UserInterface and also how tricky it is to sync the attributes and properties between the component class and the tag element on the html page.

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