
Svelte On Github Pages

Svelte deployment on GitHub pages


  1. Initialise Svelte app using template
    npx degit sveltejs/template svelte-on-github-pages
  2. Add the GitHub action and deployment script (see: scripts/ghPagesDeploy.js and .github/workflows/gh-pages-deploy.yaml)
  3. Add execa with version latest to package.json. (See package.json)
  4. Add gh-pages-deploy command to package.json. (See package.json)
  5. Commit and push the changes.
  6. Ensure the action runs with no issue, then go into your repository's settings and enable pages for the newly created gh-pages branch.
  7. Done. Pushes to the main branch will now trigger a rebuild of your pages site.

If you're having trouble, refer to this repository's code.

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