S3 Static Website for Golf League built with Svelte

🏌 Golf League Svelte App 🏌

Deploy Status


Install the dependencies...

npm install

...then start Rollup:

npm run dev

Go to localhost:5000. You should see the app running.


The deployment model uses Github actions and is defined in /.github/actions/deploy.yml

Note: In production, the site is served out of the /public directory, but in development it's at the root. So the only difference between dev and prod is which HTML file is served. In development, we use public/index.html but in prod we use index.html. This is dumb and only because of the way S3 static sites work. These two files should be identical other than adding "public/" to the prod paths. They should rarely need to be changed anyways.


Install the dependencies...

npm install

...then start Rollup:

npm run dev

Go to localhost:5000. You should see the app running.


The deployment model here is Github Actions (/.github/workflows/deploy.yml).

Note: In production, the site is served out of the /public directory, but in development it's at the root. So the only difference between dev and prod is which HTML file is served. In development, we use public/index.html but in prod we use index.html. This is dumb and only because of the way S3 static sites work. These two files should be identical other than adding "public/" to the prod paths. They should rarely need to be changed anyways.

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