
Shapes Of The World

A map-based country guessing game for the browser

Shapes of the World

Can you identify all the world's nations just by their geographical shape and location? Find out with this map-based country guessing game for the browser. Built with Svelte.

Play the game


  • uses Mapbox and Mapbox GL JS for map display and interaction
  • geographical calculations are done with Turf.js
  • geo data is obtained from open sources, but was aggregated and modified for this game
  • styled with Tailwind CSS
  • app written in Svelte JS



$ npm install

You will need a Mapbox account and an access token to run and build the game locally.

Store your public token in an environment variable called MAPBOX_PUBLIC_TOKEN.

Run in watch mode

$ npm run dev

Debug mode

Append ?debug=true to the URL to enable debug controls.

Feature previews

This repository is integrated with Netlify. For each pull request, a deploy preview is created. Once the preview is ready, the Netlify bot will comment the links in your PR.

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