
Svelte bindings for the Geolocation API

Declaratively access the Geolocation API in Svelte components. This package provides a simple way to fetch the geolocation coordinates of the device.


  • Bind to coordinates in a 2-tuple ([longtitude: number, latitude: number]).
  • Slotted states: loading/error/success.
  • Programmatic access to the Geolocation API (e.g., geolocation.getCurrentPosition).
  • Watch the current position.


# npm
npm i -D svelte-geolocation

# pnpm
pnpm i -D svelte-geolocation

# Bun
bun i -D svelte-geolocation

# Yarn
yarn add -D svelte-geolocation


Binding coordinates

Set getPosition to true to automatically invoke the geolocation.getCurrentPosition method and bind to the coords prop to retrieve the [longitude, latitude] of the device. The default coords value is [-1, -1].

  import Geolocation from "svelte-geolocation";

  let coords = [];

<Geolocation getPosition bind:coords />


Binding geolocation position

Bind to position to access all properties from GeolocationPosition.

  import Geolocation from "svelte-geolocation";

  let position;

<Geolocation getPosition bind:position />

<pre>{JSON.stringify(position, null, 2)}</pre>

Programmatic usage

By default, the component will not automatically fetch the geolocation coordinates. This method must be programmatically triggered.

  let ref;

  // Access the component instance and programmatically invoke the method.
  $: ref?.getGeolocationPosition({ enableHighAccuracy: true });

<Geolocation bind:this={ref} />

Slotted states

This example shows programmatic usage of geolocation.getCurrentPosition.

Using the default slot, you can destructure the following props:

  • coords: geolocation coordinates in [lng, lat] format
  • loading: true when the geolocation is being fetched
  • success: true if the geolocation has been obtained
  • error: true if an error occurs when fetching the geolocation
  • notSupported: true if the device does not support the Geolocation API
  import Geolocation from "svelte-geolocation";

  let getPosition = false;

<button on:click={() => (getPosition = true)}> Get geolocation </button>

  {#if notSupported}
    Your browser does not support the Geolocation API.
    {#if loading}
    {#if success}
    {#if error}
      An error occurred. {error.code} {error.message}

Watching Position

Set watch to true to invoke the geolocation.watchPosition method and get informed if the user changes position.

  import Geolocation from "svelte-geolocation";

  let getPositionAgain = false;
  let detail = {};

<button on:click={() => (getPositionAgain = !getPositionAgain)}>
  Get Position

  on:position={(e) => {
    detail = e.detail;

<pre>{JSON.stringify(detail, null, 2)}</pre>

Dispatched Events

You can listen to dispatched events as an alternative to binding.

  • on:position: fired when geolocation.getCurrentPosition succeeds
  • on:error: fired when geolocation.getCurrentPosition fails
  import Geolocation from "svelte-geolocation";

  let events = [];

  on:position={(e) => {
    events = [, e.detail];
    console.log(e.detail); // GeolocationPosition
  on:error={(e) => {
    events = [, e.detail];
    console.log(e.detail); // GeolocationError

<strong>Dispatched events:</strong>

{#each events as event}
  <pre>{JSON.stringify(event, null, 2)}</pre>

Geolocation options

Specify Geolocation position options using the options prop.

  import Geolocation from "svelte-geolocation";

  let options = {
     * @type {boolean}
     * @default false
    enableHighAccuracy: true,

     * @type {number}
     * @default Infinity
    timeout: 5000, // milliseconds

     * @type {number}
     * @default 0
    maximumAge: 60 * 60 * 1000, // milliseconds

<Geolocation getPosition {options} />



Prop name Value
coords [longitude: number, latitude: number]; (default: [-1, -1])
position GeolocationPosition
options PositionOptions
getPosition boolean (default: false)
watch boolean (default: false)
loading boolean (default: false)
success boolean (default: false)
error false or GeolocationPositionError (default:false)
notSupported boolean (default: false)


Use the bind:this directive to access the accessor methods available on the component instance.

  import Geolocation from "svelte-geolocation";

  let geolocation;

  $: geolocation?.getGeolocationPosition({ enableHighAccuracy: true });

<Geolocation bind:this={geolocation} />


interface Accessors {
  /** Watch the geolocation position. */
  watchPosition: (options: PositionOptions) => undefined | number;

  /** Programmatically get the geolocation position. */
  getGeolocationPosition: (options: PositionOptions) => Promise<void>;

  /** Clear the Geolocation watcher. */
  clearWatcher: (watcherId: number) => void;





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