svelte-bar-chart-race Svelte Themes

Svelte Bar Chart Race

Bar chart race visualization for Svelte


Featured in Svelte Design Patterns (2022)

A bar chart race is a horizontal bar chart that animates bars over an interval (usually time). The x-axis represents the bar chart values. The bars are sorted based on their value from highest to lowest as the interval changes.

This library exports the following components:

  • BarChartRace: Parent component that accepts data, options and manages internal state
  • Chart: Child component that displays the chart with the ability to customize the chart display and animation
  • Slider: Child component that shows the range input to control the interval (current value)

Demo · Svelte REPL


npm i svelte-bar-chart-race

# pnpm
pnpm i svelte-bar-chart-race

# Yarn
yarn add svelte-bar-chart-race

# Bun
bun i svelte-bar-chart-race


The examples use data sampled from StackOverflow's annual developer survey for "Most Loved Languages."

Sample data
// demo/data.ts
export const data = [
    title: "Rust",
    color: "#dea584",
    values: [
      { year: 2021, value: 86.98 },
      { year: 2020, value: 86.1 },
      { year: 2019, value: 83.5 },
      { year: 2018, value: 78.9 },
      { year: 2017, value: 73.1 },
    title: "TypeScript",
    color: "#2b7489",
    values: [
      { year: 2021, value: 72.73 },
      { year: 2020, value: 67.1 },
      { year: 2019, value: 73.1 },
      { year: 2018, value: 67.0 },
      { year: 2017, value: 64.1 },
    title: "Python",
    color: "#3572A5",
    values: [
      { year: 2021, value: 67.83 },
      { year: 2020, value: 66.7 },
      { year: 2019, value: 73.1 },
      { year: 2018, value: 68.0 },
      { year: 2017, value: 62.7 },
    title: "Go",
    color: "#00ADD8",
    values: [
      { year: 2021, value: 62.74 },
      { year: 2020, value: 62.3 },
      { year: 2019, value: 67.9 },
      { year: 2018, value: 65.6 },
      { year: 2017, value: 63.3 },
    title: "Swift",
    color: "#F05138",
    values: [
      { year: 2021, value: 63.56 },
      { year: 2020, value: 59.5 },
      { year: 2019, value: 69.2 },
      { year: 2018, value: 65.1 },
      { year: 2017, value: 63.7 },


In the simplest example, all you need is to pass data to BarChartRace.

Then, pass Chart and Slider through its default slot.

  import { BarChartRace, Slider, Chart } from "svelte-bar-chart-race";
  import { data } from "./data";

<BarChartRace {data}>
  <Chart />
  <Slider />

Source: demo/Simple.svelte

Two-way Binding

The currentValue prop supports two-way binding.

In this example, the initial value is 2018. Any change to the currentValue via Slider will be reflected to the bound value.

currentValue can also be programmatically updated.

Finally, setting currentValue to null resets the value to the lowest value (in this case, 2017).

  import { BarChartRace, Slider, Chart } from "svelte-bar-chart-race";
  import { data } from "./data";

  let currentValue = 2018;

<BarChartRace {data} bind:currentValue>
  <Slider />
  <Chart />

<button on:click={() => (currentValue = 2020)}> Set value to 2020 </button>
<button on:click={() => (currentValue = null)}> Set value to null </button>

Current value:

Source: demo/TwoWayBinding.svelte

Kitchen Sink

The kitchen sink showcases all available features.

An alternative to accessing the currentValue is to destructure it from the BarChartRace slot using the let: directive.

Other slot props include:

  • setMax (() => void): sets the current value to the maximum value defined in data
  • setMin (() => void): sets the current value to the minimum value defined in data
  • setValue ((value: number) => void): sets the current value to the provided value
  • play (() => void): function to animate the bar chart
  • pause (() => void): function to pause the animation
  • isPlaying (boolean): true if the chart is currently animating
  import { BarChartRace, Slider, Chart } from "svelte-bar-chart-race";
  import { quadOut } from "svelte/easing";
  import { data } from "./data";

  options={{ key: "year" }}
  <Slider labelText="Year: {value}" />
      easing: quadOut,
      duration: 400,
      delay: 50,
  <button on:click={isPlaying ? pause : play}>
    {isPlaying ? "Pause" : "Play"}
  <button on:click={setMax}>Set max</button>
  <button on:click={setMin}>Set min</button>
  <button on:click={() => setValue(2019)}> Set value to 2019 </button>

Source: demo/KitchenSink.svelte




Prop Type Default value
data BarChartRaceDatum[] []
options BarChartRaceOptions { key: "", unit: "%", max: 100 }
interval number 2_000

If no key is explicitly provided to options, BarChartRace will infer the key by finding the first key that is not "value" in data[0].values.

interface BarChartRaceDatum {
   * Title must be unique because it's
   * used as a key in `Chart.svelte`.
  title: string;

   * Specify the chart bar color.
   * @default "#333"
   * @example "red"
   * @example "#f00"
  color?: string;

   * Tabular data used as values for each bar.
   * @example
   * [
      { key: 2021, value: 63.56 },
      { key: 2020, value: 59.5 },
      // ...
  values: BarChartRaceValue[];

interface BarChartRaceOptions {
   * Specify the key used to normalize values in the `data.values` array.
   * If no key is specified, it will be inferred.
   * @example
   * For a value object { year: 2021, value: 62.74 },
   * the inferred key would be "year".
  key?: any;

   * Specify the unit.
   * @default "%"
  unit?: string;

   * Specify the maximum value the
   * chart value should be divided by.
   * @default 100
  max?: number;


Use the default slot to pass through the Chart and Slider components or any other element.

  <!-- Default slot -->



Prop Type Default value
animate FlipParams { delay: 0, duration: d => Math.sqrt(d) * 120, easing: cubicOut }

The Chart component uses the flip function to animate the bar chart.

Svelte provides numerous easing functions you can use to customize the animation.

  import { quadOut } from "svelte/easing";

    easing: quadOut,
    duration: 400,
    delay: 50,

Style Props

Customize the chart styles using --style-props.

Style prop Description Default value
--bar-height Chart bar height 6px
--bar-margin-top Chart bar margin top 4px
--bar-margin-bottom Chart bar margin bottom 10px
--chart-padding ol element padding 0


Use the default slot to customize the bar chart display value.

Access arbitrary values from data values.

<Chart let:datum>
  {datum.additionalValue ?? ""}



Name Type Default value
id string "slider-" + Math.random().toString(36)
labelText any ""

The current value from BarChartRace will be used as the labelText.

Customize labelText to override this behavior.

<Slider labelText="Year: {value}" />




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