
Minimal set-ups using @carbon/charts-svelte

Quick start

Use degit to quickly scaffold a new project from one of the examples.

# rollup
npx degit metonym/carbon-charts-svelte-examples/rollup my-app

# sveltekit
npx degit metonym/carbon-charts-svelte-examples/sveltekit my-app

# sveltekit-typescript
npx degit metonym/carbon-charts-svelte-examples/sveltekit-typescript my-app

# vite
npx degit metonym/carbon-charts-svelte-examples/vite my-app

# webpack
npx degit metonym/carbon-charts-svelte-examples/webpack my-app

Running locally

To run the examples locally, clone the repository and navigate to the example folder and run yarn install to install the dependencies.

Run yarn dev for local development.

Run yarn build to build the application for production.

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