Node js
Truffle suite : Testing framework for solidity contract and anables us to (1) Do test driven development. (2) Migrate and deploy our contract to our local version of blockchain.
Solidity is the language to create smart contract on the ethereum blockchain.
$ sudo npm install -g truffle
ganache : Is the blockchain for local development it'll basically give you a test enviroment you can run locally that acts like a full blockchain without having to deal with all the setup.
Add Metamask extension on Google Chrome.
sudo npm i svelte-web3
Create folder solidity-svelte
In solidity-svelte
open the terminal then run
$ truffle init
: Create scaffold for your truffle project. It's created
is truffle for deployment.test
We can create contracts
file by run
$ truffle create contract <name>
Create test
file by run
$ truffle create test <name>
$ trffle test
ก่อนที่จะ test ต้องทำการ deploy ก่อนเสมอ
in migrations
directory# Import hello contract.
const HelloContract = artifacts.require('Hello');
# deplosy hello contract
module.exports = function(deployer) {
Create simple function in contract and test.
Create greet()
function in hello
pragma solidity >=0.4.22 <0.9.0;
contract hello {
function greet() external view returns (string memory) {
return "Hello, World!";
Create function test
contract("Hello", function (/* accounts */) {
it("should assert true", async function () {
await Hello.deployed();
return assert.isTrue(true);
#// Describe a function called greet
describe("greet()", () => {
#// It should return `Hello, World`
it("'should return 'Hello, World!'", async () => {
const hello = await Hello.deployed();
const result = await hello.greet();
const expected = "Hello, World!";
assert.equal(result, expected, "greeting with heelo world.");
มี libraries รองรับInstall openzeppelin
$ npm install @openzeppelin/contracts
Create owner()
function using openzeppelin
and test.
contract pragma solidity >=0.4.22 <0.9.0;
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/Ownable.sol";
contract hello is Ownable{
function greet() external view returns (string memory) {
return "Hello, World!";
test # Ensure the function can only by the owner.
describe("owner()", () => {
it("sholud return the owner", async () => {
const hello = await Hello.deployed();
const result = await hello.owner();
assert(result, "the current owner");
it("sould return the owner's address", async () => {
const hello = await Hello.deployed();
const result = await hello.owner();
const expectd = accounts[0];
assert.equal(result, expectd, `matches the owner's address`);
contract.pragma solidity >=0.4.22 <0.9.0;
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/Ownable.sol";
contract hello is Ownable{
string private _greeting = "Hello, ";
string private _greetie = "World!";
function greet() external view returns (string memory) {
return string(abi.encodePacked(_greeting, _greetie));
# Create a function that allows us to change 'greetie'
# Ensure the function to only callable by the owner.
function setGreetie(string calldata _newGreeting) external onlyOwner {
_greetie = _newGreeting;
# Update the greeting message.
describe("setGreetie()", () => {
it("sets greeting to passed in string", async () => {
# deploy
const hello = await Hello.deployed();
# set expected
const expectd = "Hello, Human!";
# set greetie
const greetie = "Human!";
# call greetie
await hello.setGreetie(greetie);
# get actual
const actual = await hello.greet();
# assert
assert.equal(actual, expectd, "greeting with 'Hello, Human!'");
Open truffle-config.js
file and uncomment
development: {
host: "", # Localhost (default: none)
port: 8545, # Standard Ethereum port (default: none)
network_id: "*", # Any network (default: none)
Open ganache
.save project
After save project
is done you will get MNEMONIC
oppose table license misery margin observe devote hub bounce match client couple
truffle migrations
to deploy.Create Svelte project
$ npx degit sveltejs/template ./svelte
$ sudo npm i svelte-web3
in public folder and write this code.<script src=""></script>
Go to truffle-config.js
module.exports = {
contracts_build_directory: "./svelte/src/contracts",
Connect with Metamask
and paste, set password.localhost