Web 3 With Solidity and Svelte


  • Node js

  • Truffle suite : Testing framework for solidity contract and anables us to (1) Do test driven development. (2) Migrate and deploy our contract to our local version of blockchain.

    • Solidity is the language to create smart contract on the ethereum blockchain.

      $ sudo npm install -g truffle

  • ganache : Is the blockchain for local development it'll basically give you a test enviroment you can run locally that acts like a full blockchain without having to deal with all the setup.

  • Add Metamask extension on Google Chrome. https://metamask.io/download.html

  • svelte-web3


    sudo npm i svelte-web3

Next Step

  • Create the application talks to a contract on the ethereum blockchain.
    • Contract : set of functions that kind of wrapped up inside of a container.
  1. Create folder solidity-svelte

  2. In solidity-svelte open the terminal then run

    $ truffle init : Create scaffold for your truffle project. It's created

    • contracts directory.
    • migrations directory.
      • migrations is truffle for deployment.
    • test directory.
    • truffle-config.js
  3. We can create contracts file by run

    $ truffle create contract <name>

  4. Create test file by run

    $ truffle create test <name>

    • Run test with $ trffle test
  5. ก่อนที่จะ test ต้องทำการ deploy ก่อนเสมอ

    • Create 2_hello_deploy.js in migrations directory
    # Import hello contract.
    const HelloContract = artifacts.require('Hello'); 
    # deplosy hello contract
    module.exports = function(deployer) {
  6. Create simple function in contract and test.

    • Create greet() function in hello contract.

      pragma solidity >=0.4.22 <0.9.0;
      contract hello {
          function greet() external view returns (string memory) {
              return "Hello, World!";
    • Create function test

      contract("Hello", function (/* accounts */) {
          it("should assert true", async function () {
              await Hello.deployed();
              return assert.isTrue(true);
          #// Describe a function called greet 
          describe("greet()", () => {
          #// It should return `Hello, World`
          it("'should return 'Hello, World!'", async () => {
              const hello = await Hello.deployed();
              const result = await hello.greet();
              const expected = "Hello, World!";
              assert.equal(result, expected, "greeting with heelo world.");

? ถ้าต้องการให้ผู้ที่เป็นเจ้าของบัญชีนั้นทำงานในส่วนนั้น ๆ ได้เท่านั้น ต้องเขียนโค้ดอย่างไร

  • Install openzeppelin มี libraries รองรับ
  1. Install openzeppelin

    • OpenZeppelin Contracts helps you minimize risk by using battle-tested libraries of smart contracts for Ethereum and other blockchains. It includes the most used implementations of ERC standards.
    • Go to https://openzeppelin.com/contracts/
      $ npm install @openzeppelin/contracts
  2. Create owner() function using openzeppelin and test.

  • hello contract
    pragma solidity >=0.4.22 <0.9.0;

    import "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/Ownable.sol";

    contract hello is Ownable{
        function greet() external view returns (string memory) {
            return "Hello, World!";
  • hello_test test
  # Ensure the function can only by the owner.
  describe("owner()", () => {
    it("sholud return the owner", async () => {
      const hello = await Hello.deployed();
      const result = await hello.owner();
      assert(result, "the current owner");

    it("sould return the owner's address", async () => {
      const hello = await Hello.deployed();
      const result = await hello.owner();
      const expectd = accounts[0];
      assert.equal(result, expectd, `matches the owner's address`);
  1. Try to change value of return in contract.
  • hello contract.
pragma solidity >=0.4.22 <0.9.0;

import "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/Ownable.sol";

contract hello is Ownable{
  string private _greeting = "Hello, ";
  string private _greetie = "World!";
  function greet() external view returns (string memory) {
    return string(abi.encodePacked(_greeting, _greetie));

  # Create a function that allows us to change 'greetie' 
  # Ensure the function to only callable by the owner.

  function setGreetie(string calldata _newGreeting) external onlyOwner {
    _greetie = _newGreeting;
  • hello_test.js
    # Update the greeting message.
    describe("setGreetie()", () => {
      it("sets greeting to passed in string", async () => {
        # deploy
        const hello = await Hello.deployed();
        # set expected
        const expectd = "Hello, Human!";
        # set greetie 
        const greetie = "Human!";
        # call greetie
        await hello.setGreetie(greetie);
        # get actual
        const actual = await hello.greet();
        # assert
        assert.equal(actual, expectd, "greeting with 'Hello, Human!'");
  1. Run on localhost.
  • Open truffle-config.js file and uncomment

      development: {
       host: "",     # Localhost (default: none)
       port: 8545,            # Standard Ethereum port (default: none)
       network_id: "*",       # Any network (default: none)
  • Open ganache

    • Create workspace
      • Open server tap and change port to 8545.
      • Set name.
      • Add truffle-config.js file then save project. After save project is done you will get MNEMONIC
    oppose table license misery margin observe devote hub bounce match client couple
    • Run truffle migrations to deploy.


  • Create Svelte project

    $ npx degit sveltejs/template ./svelte
    • Install svelte-web3
        $ sudo npm i svelte-web3
    • After installed svelt-web3. Open index.html in public folder and write this code.
    <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/web3@latest/dist/web3.min.js"></script>
  • Go to truffle-config.js

    • Able to add a build directory.
      module.exports = {
      contracts_build_directory: "./svelte/src/contracts",
  • Connect with Metamask

    • Open GoogleChrome.
    • Open Metamask.
      • Import account then copy MNMONIC and paste, set password.
      • Don't for get to change network to localhost.

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