svelte-lp Svelte Themes

Svelte Lp

A modern SvelteKit website for a printing and advertising services company, featuring responsive design, service showcase, and contact form functionality.

Centrum Reklamowe Wrocław

A modern SvelteKit website for a printing and advertising services company in Wrocław, featuring responsive design, service showcase, and contact form functionality.

Project Overview

This project is a business website built with SvelteKit for a printing and advertising services company. It features a clean, modern design with multiple sections showcasing services, portfolio items, and company information.


  • Responsive design that works on mobile, tablet, and desktop
  • Service showcase with detailed subpages
  • Portfolio gallery
  • Contact form with validation
  • Modern UI components
  • SEO-friendly structure

Tech Stack

  • Framework: SvelteKit
  • Styling: CSS with variables for theming
  • Deployment: Ready for static site generation or server-side rendering
  • Form Handling: Server actions for contact form processing

Project Structure

├── lib/
│   ├── components/
│   │   ├── about/        # About section components
│   │   ├── contact/      # Contact form and section
│   │   ├── hero/         # Hero section components
│   │   ├── portfolio/    # Portfolio gallery components
│   │   ├── services/     # Service-related components
│   │   └── ui/           # Reusable UI components
│   │       ├── form/     # Form elements
│   │       └── layout/   # Layout components
│   ├── data.ts           # Mock data for the site
│   ├── globals.css       # Global styles
│   └── types.ts          # TypeScript type definitions
└── routes/               # SvelteKit routes
    ├── uslugi/           # Service pages
    │   └── [slug]/       # Dynamic service pages
    ├── +layout.svelte    # Main layout
    ├── +page.svelte      # Home page
    └── +page.server.ts   # Server-side logic

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