Svelte-NoteInput-Template Svelte Themes

Svelte Noteinput Template

Simple template for a form to handle basic note information

NoteInput Component Template - Svelte 📁


A standardized fieldset for note input through Svelte.

Currently there are only three attributes for the note that this component cares about:

  • The Octave An octave is the distance between one pitch and another with is double it's frequency. Every octave is divided into 12 semitones.

  • The Musical Alphabet The Musical Alphabet "A B C D E F G" defines every note in an octave.

  • The Alter The Alter represents the chromatic alteration of a note in semitones (e.g., -1 for flat, 1 for sharp)

The NoteInput component is responsible for the composition of the fields inside it's fieldset, the labels, a default legend, and the fieldset itself.

Slots 🎰

The element used to fill a Svelte slot require at the minimum a slot attribute. Additionally for this particular component, any Svelte slot that has a <\label> preceding it must be filled by some kind of form field with a name attribute corresponding to it's slot attribute in order to match up with it's <label>.

There are 4 Svelte slots that NoteInput cares about:

Note that the child content is simply what I used to place in the slot, feel free to use any kind of form input that you think best suits your needs

  1. Slot 1:
    • Slot name: "legend"
    • Child content: <legend slot="legend">
    • Constraints: Every fieldset is required to have exactly one legend for accessibility reasons, therefore there is a default legend set up in case you do not put one up.
  2. Slot 2:
    • Slot name: "octave"
    • Child content: <input type="number" slot="octave" name="octave" min=0>
    • Constraints: Octaves can only be positive so the min value has to be set to 0, the max value can be set to anything.
  3. Slot 3:
    • Slot name: "letter"
    • Child content: <select slot="letter">
    • Constraints: The letters used in this slot must follow the Musical Alphabet, I suggest starting from 'C' but any order is fine.
  4. Slot 4:
    • Slot name: "alter"
    • Child content: <input type="number" slot="alter" name="alter">
    • Constraints: The alter slot does not technically have any min or max value limit but generally speaking alters are limited to multiples of two at best ie: double sharps or double flats


I went through a couple of simple changes making this component and the last version should represent the current styling used in this repo

Version 1

Version 2

Version 3

Version 4

Version 5

Version 6

Version 7

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